Chad VanDerwall

Associate Broker

Chad specializes in areas such as retail and office leasing, investment properties, self-storage opportunities, and business opportunity sales. With seven years of industry experience, he has developed a deep understanding of real estate dynamics. (Though don’t ask him to write a property description; that’s where the magic tends to disappear.) His strong work ethic and commitment to thoroughly assessing client needs enable him to deliver tailored and effective strategies that drive success for his clients.

Chad graduated from Western Michigan University with a double major in Exercise Science and Interdisciplinary Health Studies. He spent a decade working as a Strength and Conditioning coach, and now his life consists less of lifting and more of leasing.

When he’s not closing deals, you can find Chad shoe-less around the office, blissfully unaware that he’s single-handedly decimating the snack drawer. His appetite matches his enthusiasm for life, fueled by his love for golfing, playing hockey, and chasing around his two children, Charlie and Caroline, with his wife, Rena.